If you have a lot of random fabric tucked away like Shanna, this is a great craft for folks of all-ages to participate in!
Just tear long strips of fabric inspired colours and knot them onto a stick, or a wreath ring, or embroidery ring. You can choose a colour palette that corresponds to the liturgical season you’re celebrating to make decorations for at home or church.
Tori also made a version to suspend from the ceiling in her church’s Sanctuary for Pentecost Sunday using sheer ribbon!
Rainbow colours can be used for Pride or to remind us of the promise made to Noah
Pair blue colours for a stream of living water (Isaiah 44:3)
Use dark fabric to create a night sky you can add sparking stars to (Psalm 147:4)
PRIDE colours
Pentecost colours
Types of play/skills: creative, constructing, fine motor (tearing, scissor skills, tying), organizing