In 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, two friends struggled to find good quality spiritual formation resources for youngest members of their church communities. Originally imagined as a children’s ministry “Pinterest page”, Tori Mullin (they/iel) and Shanna Bernier (she/elle) started Jesus, Glue & Glitter.

Transforming over time from craft ideas to downloadable printables, and now magazines, JG&G was a passion project inspired by their belief that a rich spiritual life can be had at any age.

Always seeking to reflect the inclusive and transformative message of the Good News, as shared through Jesus and the scriptures, JG&G is unapologetically 2SLGBTQ+ affirming. We seek to provide relevant content that celebrates all walks of life and expressions of God’s image.

Is this resource united church specific?

You don’t have to be a United Church person to appreciate our content, but our desire to share and make content stems from a need for family ministry material that reflects the theologies of our churches.

Jesus, Glue & Glitter