Trinity Sunday

Trinity Sunday
How do we Speak of God?

At it’s heart Trinity Sunday is celebrating the many ways we talk about God. It calls our communities to look at God has Wisdom in the Hebrew Bible, as the Creating Spirit overing over the waters, as Jesus The-Word-Made-Flesh, as the Abiding Spirit gifted to us.

Rachel Held Evan’s book What is God Like is a wonderful resource that uses child-friendly illustrations to bring to life Biblical images of God. (We especially love the blanket fort for God as refuge!)

So, how do you speak of God?

Does your church have a common language you use? Is there a name for God you’ve been exploring recently in Eastertide or at Pentecost?

By sharing the names and images we use for God we can open up our own experience of who God is. By sharing with one another we have the chance to glimpse a new part of this undefinable God who lives beyond our imagination.

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