Christian Family Sunday

Christian Family Sunday
We are all Children of God
But for all who did receive and trust in Him, He gave them the right to be reborn as children of God

– John 1:12 (The VOICE)

Christian Family Sunday takes place following Easter, on the Sunday most think of as Mothering Sunday. However, in a world where not everyone has a mother, or some have painful or complicated relationships with mothers, Christian Family Sunday offers us an opportunity to explore family in a new way.

When our birth, adoptive or foster families might fail us, God’s does not.

When the families who are charged with loving us as God created us instead reject us, the family of God welcomes us with unconditional love.

Christian Family Sunday is a celebration of the parents, grandparents, siblings and children we gain when we accept our place in God’s family. Lived out, it’s not always perfect, but we continue to try our best to embody God’s kin-dom on earth!

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