Pride Feltboard

Pride Feltboard

Did you know each of the colours in the rainbow flag are symbolic?

Tori wrote a small script to use for Theme Time (Children’s Sermon) on Pride Sunday (June 6th, 2021) to help explore how these symbolic colours can connect us to our faith story. These colours come from the 1978 pride flag designed by Gilbert Baker and friends.

Check-out the script below.

PRIDE Flag Colours – Theme Time Script

The Pride flag we use at church has lots of colours in it. We have black and brown for siblings who are Black, Indigenous and People of Colour. We have white, pink and blue for our transgender siblings too.

But, did you know all of the colours in the rainbow flag have a special meaning? When we think of rainbows we think of rainstorms and the story of Noah’s Ark, but the person who designed this flag had some ideas too. I want to share them with you, and talk a little bit about how we can use this flag to think about our faith story.

Red is for Life – we believe life is given by God, and that God gives it in abundance

Orange is for Healing – many LGBTQ+ folks have been hurt, by family who don’t understand their sexuality or gender, by a world that often rejects folks who are different, and by the church who has a history of rejecting these children of God – BUT we also believe that God offers healing

Yellow is for Sunlight – we believe that God intended for all of her children to live out in the open, to not need to hide away who they are

Green is for Nature – we believe God does not make mistakes, that she formed each of us with care, that she shaped our different sexualities and genders and loves us as she made us

Blue is Serenity – we believe that peace can be found in God, in knowing that we are children of God, in knowing God made us and loves us just as we are

Purple is for Spirit – a spirit that connects all of us, a spirit that helps us survive and thrive, a spirit that binds the human family together in love

We give thanks for this beautiful rainbow, We give for God’s love and care in creating each of us. We give thanks that humanity is as diverse as there are colours in this world. We give thanks knowing, when God made us, she said, “Wow! This is good!”

(Written by Tori Mullin, for Pride Sunday at St. John’s United Church, Marathon, June 6th, 2021)

Jesus, Glue & Glitter