Well, in Ontario we’re back to two weeks of virtual learning, and let me tell you folks are not happy! Teachers, parents, and students are all struggling. That said, my church and some local partners are looking to make some Virtual Learning Survival Kit to pass out to economically disadvantaged families in our town. Perhaps, you’d like to do something similar where you are? If so, I’m sharing our plan with you.
These kits are meant to be something you can put together quickly since virtual learning will (theoretically) only take place for two more weeks. They are meant to convey that our students and parents are seen and loved. We know they’re struggling and we’re here for them.
The kits will include...
- A chocolate bar
- A fidget toy
- Printed resources for students (one for kids and one for youth) – includes one calming activity and one stretching activity
- Printed resource for parents
- Stickers (for the younger kids these will be part of encouraging parents to provide positive feedback for their kids).

Other suggestions from parents have included…
- Whiteboard and whiteboard markers. Pencil on paper is too hard to see when you hold it up to the screen.
- Notebooks
- School supplies appropriate for their grade level. Some teens pointed out many students borrow supplies from teachers and may no longer have access to them!
- Toys to remind them to get outside and play.