Soul Gardening

Growing a garden through Lent

Gardening is a great metaphor for spiritual formation. With kids you can explore this metaphor by sprouting seedlings or creating floral art.

We can use the image of an “inner garden” to talk about ways we take care of our spiritual selves, our relationship with God. Kids know what plants need (sunshine, rain, soil) but what ways can we water or feed our souls?

As well, gardens can’t be rushed, they need to take their own time! The watching and waiting involved with a garden can help remind us that we, too, need time and space in our spiritual journey to grow.

Try a bulb growing kit

Amaryllis plants are very impressive to watch grow, and can take anywhere from six to eight weeks. Most of the bulb kits come with everything you need to care for your plant, s planting the bulb at the beginning of Lent means you’ll likely have a lovely bloom by Eastertide.

Plant Seeds

Pictured above is a 3 week old nasturtium seedling. These edible plants germinate fairly quickly in almost any soil type. A hearty plant like that can survive the rough handling of kids just learning to garden!

Create some floral artwork

I love using photos of our little creators in our artwork. Why not feature the faces of your members in the centre of paper flowers each person gets to decorate. Thinking of yourself as a literal plant can help us explore this metaphor of “soul gardening”. Perhaps for the discussion you want to bring a bag of soil, a watering can and a flashlight. Label these items with your children to help them visualize how things like “time with God”, “prayer”, “encouragement”, “stories” and “play” can nurture our relationship with God.

Jesus, Glue & Glitter